30 €
45 €
54 €


9 €
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15 €
© Nancy Ruff
© Nancy Ruff

Romantic penguins. Adorable, inquisitive - and incredibly vulnerable to threats like climate change. Adopt a penguin and support our work.

Both emperor and adélie penguins depend on sea ice for their main food source - krill. But parts of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean are warming rapidly, which is affecting some of the penguins' feeding grounds.

Adopt a penguin, support our work

Animal adoptions like yours give a huge boost to our work. Your symbolic adoption supports our work. In Adria, together with our partners, we are building awareness on the necessity for the coexistence of people with wildlife, maintaining a precious balance. Another major threat to that balance is wildlife crime and we are doing our best to stop it.

How does it work?

Did you know?

All 17 species of penguins are found exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere. Emperor penguins are the largest living penguin and we have been able to locate and count them from space. They may be the only bird never to set foot on land as their colonies are on the sea ice and they even breed on frozen sea. To keep warm, up to 5,000 adults and chicks can huddle together, shuffling round so each gets a turn on the outside. Spending around half their time in the water, penguins can even drink sea water.

Learn more about penguins

When a male penguin selects a  mate and courts her by bringing her stones, she assesses his behaviour and, if she approves , they stay together forever. Males and females share the care of their offspring.

A penguin’s black and white plumage serves as camouflage while swimming. The black plumage on their back is hard to see from above, while the white plumage on their front looks like the sun reflecting off the surface of the water when seen from below.

How does it work?

First of all: thank you. You’re choosing something different. This is not a normal gift. This is a special gift because it will help protect the beautiful and fragile nature that surrounds us.
This is a perfect gift for animal lovers, environmentalists or simply people with a big heart.

Only 5 steps to complete your adoption, it’s easy!

  1. Choose the animal you love the most
  2. Personalize the certificate with your own message
  3. Fill the data (you can decide what day and what time you want the person to receive your special gift)
  4. Send the gift easily by email
  5. Enjoy the special gift

Last-minute gift? This is the perfect solution! You can send the personalized certificate very quickly! We'll keep you updated on how you're supporting our vital work.

Safety: our donation process is fully encrypted to ensure all personal and financial information is kept safe and secure.

Any questions? Take a look at our adoption FAQs .